Unity Mark Installation
Unity Mark Lodge is just into its second year, since it was changed to a Past Masters Lodge, where the members are taken from previous Wardens of the Province, with Tony Harrison becoming the first WM of the new Lodge last April. Naturally our PGM Peter Connolly was present, and stood to congratulate Tony Harrison on his impending appointment as Provincial Grand Master in the Craft on July 31st at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool.  The assembled brethren applauded the appointment loudly.
WM Tony Harrison about to install his successor
Grand support for Bob McGown
Tony Harrison then proceeded to install Bob McGown into the Chair of the Lodge in superb style, assisted ably by DC Brian Davey and ADC Stuart Brackstone. John Forster, the PGM's special representative for the Fylde Coast, addressed the new WM perfectly, Giles Berkley addressed the Wardens, and Peter Hegarty addressed the Overseers. As a grand finale, Keith Beardmore, Deputy PGM, addressed the Brethren, as Principal Guest for the evening.  Peter Connolly was heard to comment that it was nice to hear Keith deliver the address, as he usually delivers it himself when he is present!
Tony seemed quite happy to hand over to Bob!
Ian Nairn congratulates Tony on his year
Howard Emmett was announced as the next WM of Unity Mark Lodge, to great applause. Howard is our very hardworking and effective Provincial Charity Steward, and was clearly delighted to receive the honour of being elected WM of this prestigious Lodge.
Bob McGown speaks after dinner
The raffle was of course fixed
And so, on to the festive board, with a buzz present that epitomises Mark Masonry. Keith Beardmore spoke of this unique Lodge, and the influence that its members have on the Province, not least being Bob McGown, who has served 50 years in Mark Masonry. Keith also thanked and praised all those members who took part in the ceremony, which was first class. He also mentioned DC Brain Davey and Tony Harrison, and he had a very generous mention reserved for David Rotherham, the hardworking secretary of the Lodge for his excellent arrangements.
But Peter Connolly took the bottle back for Lynne!
Keith Beardmore entertained after dinner
Tony Harrison responded by thanking all the members for his superb year in the Chair, and spoke kindly of Bob McGown. Bob had been an electrical engineer in the Mid and Far East, returning to become JW of the Mark Province, and to serve 50 years in Mark Masonry. He has served as secretary of Fylde Mark, and his Craft Lodge. Tony pledged his support to Bob for the next year.
Close friends enjoying their time together
One finger short of a Mark sign....
Bob responded by informing us that 10 years ago, he promised not to join anything else, but when Unity Mark was formed, he had to break that promise, and has now become the second WM of this fine Lodge in its present form. He thanked Mel Riley and David Southward for attending, to represent the former members of Unity Mark. He also thanked Treasurer Maurice Evans, David Rotherham, Brian Davey & Stuart Brackstone for their help. It was a really difficult meeting for Bob, as he has just sadly lost his beloved wife. He did however manage to get through the proceedings with great dignity and pride.
The raffle on this occasion was held for the Mark Fun Day on July 5th at Bamber Bridge, and the winner this year was........Peter Connolly......again!
A perfect end to a perfect Mark meeting.

Words and pictures by Giles Berkley